Past Trip – 2006 – My Parent’s Hometowns- Aguililla and Villa Victoria, Michoacán with a stop in Colima.

Villa Victoria

Villa Victoria Catholic Church, we were lucky to take a stroll by.  Photo  Credit:


One of the entrance signs to Aguililla – Photo Credit:


Centro de Colima (One of the many places we visited) – Picture Credit to

I have decided that I want to write about all of my trips because I am worried that one day I will forget and not remember all the things I have been able to do in my lifetime. I tend to write more for myself than anyone else just because I can always click on my page and go back down memory lane. Being able to go down memory lane reminds me how blessed I am and that at the end of everyday – God is and has been good to me.
It was in the winter of 2006 that my sister and I had the chance to go to Mexico with my mother and my aunt. Looking back now if I could retake this trip I would in a second except this time around I would plan things better. I would honestly plan more time with my grandmother who God bless her soul is no longer here. You see this was the first time I actually got to meet my grandma face to face, I had talked to her quite a few times on the phone, written letters and sent little gifts with family members. But even though it was the first time I got to meet my grandma it felt like I had known her all my life and sometimes it’s the people you love the most that are taken out of your life too quickly. I am thankful that I got to meet her and hope that one day we will see each other again, “when I get where I’m going”.
Our trip started out in Los Angeles, California where one of our favorite aunts picked us up at LAX. Talk about a busy airport. Mind you my little sister and I had experienced this airport when we were younger on our first summer trip: my sister and I were allowed to spend the summer of 2001 with my aunt. Which was a lot of fun and my aunt took us to Disneyland, Universal Studios and Knott’s Berry Farm. With that being said, it did not surprise us how busy the airport was and we made sure to not lose our mom.
We spent a couple of days in Los Angeles, where we were able to go to the local malls and shops as well as the humongous swap meets. There is so much and it’s all so cheap! We were there right before Christmas time so we did a little Christmas shopping and my sister and I took Christmas pictures in tank tops instead of your regular sweater. Our next move was to be driven to Tijuana where we caught our next flight to Guadalajara Airport and then caught the bus to Colima. Once in Colima we were picked up by our Tia Lupe and cousins. We spent a couple of days in Colima, where we were able to experience the busy streets and local food.
The city of Colima is the capital and is where the state’s name comes from. This city began as a Spanish settlement and was originally established further south in 1523 but moved to the current location in 1527. The population is about 672,995 and let me tell you, it’s noticeable compared to the other towns we visited on this trip. One thing you should know about my sister and I, is that we do not eat meat while in Mexico. Call it paranoid, call it careful or anything else but it’s just what we do. Unfortunately on our visit my sister and I accidently had some beans and chorizo which made my sister sick, after that we made sure there was no meat in any of our food.
Our next trip was to Villa Victoria which is a village in the municipality of Chinicuila in the state of Michoacán . It has approximately 1010 inhabitants and is located 0677 meters above seal level. This is where my mother grew up, we got to Villa Victoria by bus and boy let me tell some roads are super curvy in Mexico. Once we got there I realized how small the town is as well as how everyone is super friendly! And I guess it always helps when your family is well known amongst the little community so then everyone welcomes you in. At this small little town I remember my sister and I were happy because we found cup of noodles at the little grocery store. Mind you at this point all we had been eating was bean, tortillas and rice since we were on our no meat diet.
We stayed in Villa Victoria for a couple of days, visited with family and walked around the small town including a visit to the local library and walking by the Catholic Church which is really pretty. From there one of our relatives drove us to Aguililla, Michoacan which is quite a few hours away. Aguililla is a city located in the state of Michoacán, it has an approximate population of 25,000. Once we got to Aguililla, it’s hard to explain but I honestly felt like I was at home. Truth be told I’m not much for the big city and prefer the ranch and horses. It was great hearing the horses walk by in front of my grandma’s house and to be known as her granddaughter especially since I’m named after Dona Adela.
I would love to say that we ventured out but we didn’t other than to the local market which had fresh fruits but other than that we stayed with my grandma and my aunt. I guess deep down all I really wanted to do on this trip was to spend time with her, listen to her talk and remember as much as I could. My grandma is a great person and I can see where my dad got his patience from and see the resemblance in my dad and little sister’s face. So even though she is gone, she’s still here because I have my dad and I’m proud to say I carry her name. And one thing I will never forget is how she said. “ aveces es mejor nomas oir cuando otros hablan”.
It’s been some time since my last visit but I do hope to make it back, even if it’s just a couple more times to see my loved ones. Life is too short and we must not take things for granted.

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